Final Fantasy VII was the most anticipated release in history. FFVII started back in 1983 in Japan. It costed 8400 yen and nobody knew that there would be 7 great games of it. It first started on the old Nintendo system and made its way from Super NES to now the Playstation. But America only say 3 or 4 of these masterpieces. The last one that was out was FFIV. The most recent >one as you all know is FFVII. You might ask, "How can some stupid RPG (role playing game) become such an national and international hit? Trust me, if you have played it, you would understand. The game is more a work of art than a game.
Here are some web sites that would give more of a deep background:
The game itself comes on 3 cd's and is packed with more than
1 hour of great cinematic movies.
Mech Warrior 2 is a combat simulation that takes you to make believe places and the best part.... you get to shoot and kill other mechs. The date is 3057 and you must choose a clan to be recruited to. Then they assign you to multiple missions to destroy and gather certain vital objects. The game is about 3 or 4 years old and still a great game to play. Places to go for these titles are:[ACTIVISION'S HOME PAGE][MY MECH PAGE]
Hoplites, composite bowmen, war elephants, what more could you ask for? Microsoft's Age of Empires is the best game to date. With the award for best real time strategy game, it is bound for more. You command little villagers and armymen to do whatever you want them to do. The graphics on this game are unbelieveable, the soundtrackm is superb, and the gameplay is outstanding. In my book, this game gets 50 stars. But some of you are thinking "Well, Microsoft sucks" but trust me, you will not regret playing this game. It's all that and then some! Everything is very detailed. Especially
the buildings. Don't believe me? Then take a look at my [BUILDINGS] When you get there, if it doesn't load quick, then just hit stop then reload. If and when you finish the campaign, you wan't more, then you can tackle the random map, scenarios, and deathmatch modes. This game offers tons of hours of fun. It is defenitly worth whatever you play.
Here's where you can get more-[MICROSOFT'S AOE'S PAGE],[ENSEMBLE STUDIOS], or download it from[PC GAMER]